Dear TMclass, India says hello!

The TMclass database (formerly: Euroclass tool) of the office for the Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) on 07th December 2015 welcomed a new member i.e. the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks (CGPDTM) into its fold. This was a result of the European Union and India Intellectual Property Cooperation project, which is directly linked to India’s Intellectual Property policy goals and trade development agenda. With CGPDTM joining hands, TMclass now holds data from 57 participating offices across the globe, searchable and translatable into 40 different languages, further facilitating one joined trademark search.
While applying for a trademark, applicants need to describe the class of goods and/or services for which they wish to protect their trademark. This requires extensive research. Having a central point allows searching for description of goods and services, determining the classes they belong to, check whether the registered goods and services appear in a database in a given language, classification terms of various goods and services that contain word or words and their translations. Nearly 5000 new goods and services were added from the Madrid system on the terms provided by the World Intellectual Property Office, to the already existing 65,000 terms of Harmonised database, which were made available from 01st July 2015. With India adding its goods and services database to the TMclass, the applicants can search for Hindi names of goods/services, translate their trademark names into Hindi, and make any other form of enquiry with regard to their goods/services. This definitely expands the TMclass database’s geographical and language coverage further.