Filing for Yearly Statement Of Working [Form-27] Commences
Shivarpita Nailwal
Apr 5, 20222 min read
We wish to remind you that the window for filing Annual Working reports in respect of the Financial year April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, has opened and is available for submission until the deadline of September 30, 2022.Under the Indian Patent law, every Patentee/Licensee is under a statutory obligation to submit a working statement regarding the working of their patents in a financial year immediately succeeding the year in which the patent was granted. Accordingly, this is to invite every Patentee and licensee whose patents have been granted, before March 31, 2021, to submit their working reports for the year April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022.With respect to the above, we would require the following information for the completion of the working reports-1. Details of Patentee/Licensee (if any):
· Name, Address, and Nationality
2. Worked/Not worked Details:
· Please specify if the patent is worked in India or not.
3. If the Invention is Worked:
(a) Approximate revenue/ value accrued in India to the patentee(s)/ licensee, where the working is through:
1) Manufacturing in India (in INR) 2) Importing into India (in INR)
(b) Brief in respect of (a) above (maximum 500 words)
4. If the Invention is Not Worked:
· Reasons for not working the patented invention(s) and steps being taken for working of the invention.
You may note that one form may be filed in respect of multiple patents, provided all of them are related patents, wherein the approximate revenue/ value accrued from a particular patented invention cannot be derived separately from the approximate revenue/ value accrued from related patents, and all such patents are granted to the same patentee(s).
DEADLINE: The statement should be filed within a 6-month period after the end of the financial year i.e. before 30 September.In order to remind our clients of this statutory requirement, matter-specific reminders will be sent to all our clients who have entrusted us with the maintenance of their annual working report records.If you desire to file the Annual Working Report or have any queries in respect of the same, please get in touch with us at before the deadline of September 30, 2022.